Medhavi was started in the year 2005 with a vision to provide quality education. Instead of focusing only on high scorer students our objective is to focus on those students too, who has a strong will but can’t  score good marks only due to poor foundation and lack of proper guidance.
We know how to convert a back bencher into a front bencher and then class leader, and that’s why we commit for sure improvement within few months of our proper guidance.We give stress on individual teaching methodology with emphasis on basics so that students can learn without any stress and clearly understood their syllabus.
Regular practice and evaluation under the guidance of our expert faculties makes our students fluent and effortless in their subjects. Extra focus during exam period and individually doubt clearing classes acts as a lubricant in the path of their success.
In this commercial world of education, maximum institutions take only high scorer students and work on it so that they can increase their success ratio. But MEDHAVI accept challenges and works on the thought that ” Real achievement is in making diamonds from coal ” with dedication ,honesty and discipline.
Our strong will and honesty help us in creating an environment where students can achieve that they deserves. From the year 2005 we have transformed several backbenchers into class leaders with their excellent academic record from different CBSE, ICSE and JAC schools and colleges and hope that we continue with the same dedication and efforts with more success ratios.  


VISION : Providing quality education at an extent capable of converting  back bencher students into a front runner and a front runner into a class leader who inspired others to do so, through honesty, dedication and discipline by improving  interest , will power and thinking skill of our students, keeping in mind a view that “ Real achievement is in converting a coal into a priceless diamond ” through patience, discipline and honesty.   


MISSION : To provide such level of quality education which  develops interest and will power among those students who fears due to lack of proper guideline  and concepts , to realize them their actual capability  of becoming a leadership and setup an inspiration for the others.